Door trim | Lorenz Truck

Door trims

Door trim
Door trim
120 EUR + VAT

Door trim for MAN type truck.

The product is not an original product

It is possible to embroider different patterns, even according to individual needs, about which more information can be requested in a message.

The price includes a pair of door covers!

Door trim
Door trim
100 EUR + VAT

Door trim for MAN type truck.

The product is not an original product

It is also possible to have custom embroidery made with various designs. The price of the product does not include embroidery!

The price includes a pair of door covers!

Door trim
Door trim
120 EUR + VAT

Door trim for MAN type truck.

The product is not an original product

It is possible to embroider different patterns, even according to individual needs, about which more information can be requested in a message.

The price includes a pair of door covers!

Door trim
Door trim
170 EUR + VAT

Artificial leather door cover for Volvo type vehicles.

We can only undertake on-site installation. The price is for a pair of door trims and includes the installation fee.

The product is not an original part.

There is an option for various embroidery patterns, even custom designs. The price does not include the embroidery pattern.

Door trim
Door trim
100 EUR + VAT

Door trim for MAN type truck.

The product is not an original product

It is also possible to have custom embroidery made with various designs. The price of the product does not include embroidery!

The price includes a pair of door covers!

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